Our latest news
To see our latest press releases and other updates, please visit our NewsDesk.
For journalists
Are you a journalist with a question or request? Our press office is open from 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. Contact us at press.office@gtrailway.com
For general customer queries, please call 0345 127 2920 or contact us here. For urgent media enquiries only out of hours, please call 0203 750 2031. Please do not call this number if you are not a journalist.
For all recruitment enquiries, please email hr_resourcing@gtrailway.com.
Filming or photography
If you’d like to film on our trains or at one of our stations, you’ll need to get permission in advance.
For commercial projects please contact businessdevelopment@gtrailway.com.
For news and current affairs filming or photography, please contact press.office@gtrailway.com.