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Ease the stress of travelling and zip through the Cambridgeshire countryside on a train from St Neots to Bedford. The historic town of Bedford has been providing popular market days for nearly 900 years. So, why not enjoy the town's green spaces and riverside walks before browsing the various markets?

Ready to go? Check our live departures board below for train times from St Neots to Bedford and book today using our journey planner. And don't forget to download our On Track app to get your tickets sent straight to your phone.

Journey information from St Neots to Bedford

  • How long is the average journey duration from St Neots to Bedford? n/a
  • How long is the fastest journey duration from St Neots to Bedford? n/a
  • When is the first train from St Neots to Bedford? n/a
  • When is the last train from St Neots to Bedford? n/a
  • How many services run for St Neots to Bedford today? 0

The above information is intended as a guide. It may not include timetable alterations because of engineering work, unplanned disruption etc. Please use the journey planner to plan your journey before you travel. Some tickets are subject to restrictions. Please check these before you travel.

The information above refers to direct journeys only. Other journeys may be available by changing train or by using a different London Terminal. At certain times buses may operate some of the journeys shown. Services of all operators on the route shown are included in the figures. Not all tickets may be used on all services.

On many routes, the last journey before services finish for the day departs after midnight. Where this is the case, it is this service (in the early hours of the following morning), and not the last one before midnight that is shown.

Find the next train to Bedford from St Neots

There are no scheduled departures or arrivals for this journey within the next two hours. To plan further ahead, please check our Journey Planner
There are no scheduled departures or arrivals for this journey within the next two hours. To plan further ahead, please check our Journey Planner

Tips on how to book cheaper train tickets

Cheaper travel right here

We do everything we can to offer you cost-effective travel, so we never add booking fees at checkout. When you book your train tickets from St Neots to Bedford with us, you only pay for the price of your fare.

Avoid Peak-time travel

Off-Peak trains are generally less busy and offer cheaper fares. If you don't have to travel during the busiest times, this could be a money-saving option for you.

Get a return ticket

Return tickets are usually cheaper than buying two single tickets, so your wallet could benefit from booking your whole trip in one go.

Buy online and get the best deals

No booking fees, and collect from any station in the UK